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Made in Britain is made up of experienced and loyal tradesmen who are dedicated to promoting the British market. By listening to industry chatter we realised what the market was calling out for: a high quality promotional logo to apply to British products, with no hidden fees! By combining our knowledge of the British market and our desire to stay strong in the wake of Brexit we are able to offer our members expert consultation on branding, marketing and promotional activities. 





Creating the final Made in Britain logo was no easy task. With a team of such passionate and talented individuals the logo went through many rounds of development before the final design was selected. We experimented with different colours and styles until we had created a design that we were all proud to call our own. 

The final Made in Britain logo incorporates British colours with simple imagery to bring you this sleek, versatile logo that will give your products the edge. View the  gallery to see the Made in Britain logo in action. 

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Promoting britain, free promotional logo, free made in britain logo, british products, UK product, made in britain campaign, made in britain, made in britain logo on products, exporting from britain, promote british exports
free made in britain logo, made in britain, UK products, british products, british exports, logo promotion, free promotion, apply for free logo, about Made in Britain